Monday, March 7, 2011

Town square at Caccamo the local town here.

Well i suspect Sicily may not be as refined as the mainland of Italy and it is definitely quirky to say the least. It is visually very beautiful, ugly and kitsch all bundled together. Just like the seemingly chaotic traffic as it blindly merges together with mysterious precision the Sicilian People here have a ebbe to them which has been established and formed over hundreds of years and I assume as an outsider in the process of finding my ebbe, i naturally stand out as foreign. However when I surrender my need to get it right and simply make attempts to engage with the locals, they reveal themselves to be an extremely generous and kind people. I still find it challenging at times having let go of all the seemingly solid foundations in my life and can see more of my stories and attachments coming to the fore for me to let go off. Some of my illusions surrounding Italy are being brought back down to earth as you would expect of any imagined perception when it meets the reality, however there is a new depth emerging as I surrender the old view. Off to visit the Valley of the Temples tomorrow and I will be driving one off the cars,so that will be an experience on both fronts so I'll check back in then.
Blessing Scott.

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