Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Puerto Irago / Cruz de Ferro

This monument stands some 1504m or 4934ft above sea level with its simple iron cross which has become one of the very important symbols of the Camino. When you reach the top it is at this point that you reconnect with the purpose of your journey before adding your stone or other token of love and blessing to the ever increasing pile that bares witness to those that have travelled this road before you. I have chosen a stone from the path earlier in the day and have carried it for this purpose. Last year I was struggling with chronic tendinitis in my ankle and this walk put me in touch with some anger that's for sure. I wanted so much to have the right words to say when I reached the top after such a long and difficult journey and it didn't flow for me then. I didn't expect to ever be at this place again and timing is everything,right! I have known for a little while now the answer to "what is my driving force and overall desire" and with this clear for me i was available in the moment of this experience every step.

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